Kleio helps unfairly-targeted celebrities take back control of their public image and narrative. We save reputations and help capture opportunities.
Our rapidly-changing ethical landscape finds many executives vulnerable to changing norms. We identify risk factors within executive teams, investigate all public and private claims thoroughly, and position both individuals and organizations to mitigate future damage.
Kleio brings essential human intelligence to the investment world. Our investigations can stress-test key investment hypotheses. Our development work can support fundraising and investor management. Our work with executives helps identify potential risks early so your best people can minimize distractions and maximize returns.
Sports organizations and their leadership have become some of the most prominent public figures in our society - and so some of the most frequently targeted in the press. Kleio works with leading athletic organizations to anticipate and plan for inevitable media challenges, wherever they may arise from.
Personal challenges surrounding marriage, divorce, custody and similar issues confer massive risks to both individuals and the organizations they serve. Kleio’s methodologies help our clients establish the right strategy for all stakeholders and get each party back at the table.
Wealthy Americans increasingly face public pressures they are ill-equipped to deal with. Whether these challenges are the result of personal missteps or opportunistic outsiders, Kleio protects your interests, your reputation, your dignity and your agency.
Too many promising political figures are undone by muddled messaging, shoddy communications execution and ineffective strategies to respond to their opponents. We help politicians identify a compelling, authentic narrative and then develop clear plans to get the ears and eyes of your future constituents.
Nonprofits have emerged as some of the most highly scrutinized organizations in our society. Kleio helps leading philanthropic organizations establish a confident public narrative that squashes misguided attacks and augments your core mission.